Roller Shutters
Roller Shutters
Strong and efficient, roller shutters are suitable for a wide range of applications: from small security shutters to large industrial uses. They combine robustness and long-term reliability with security. Fire resistant roller shutters can be manufactured to suit any size application up to 7000 mm x 7000 mm. All fire shutters are manufactured to ISO 9002 standards and can provide up to 4 hours fire resistance - certified by The Loss Prevention Certification Board.
Shutters come in a wide range of options, for your convenience:
- Manual or self-coiling activated (via a fusible link and dropper bar)
- Hand chain activated via a geared hand chain hoist
- For larger industrial fire shutters - an electric motor can be linked to the fire circuit of the building
- Polyester, powder coating and various plastisol parts
- Variety of canopy covers, and fascias can be supplied to cover the coiled shutter and motor.
- Perforated or punched lath
- Wicket gates
- Wind anchoring for extra strength and internal/external installations